Friday, November 18, 2011

[HUBnewsletter] Homeschool HUB News Update--November 18


Homeschool HUB News Update--November 18

Homeschool HUB phone: 269-240-6094
email:   website:
Editor: Andrea Bikfalvy
The information below is offered to you as a service.  Please research and decide for yourself the value to your family.  The Homeschool HUB does not endorse any programs or services other than those offered by the Homeschool HUB.
Send information to be added to the update no later than the Thursday before the week you want it to appear:

To subscribe to this newsletter, go to OR send an email to the following address:

Yes, you are welcome to forward the newsletter to anyone who might be interested!  :-)


Details for the following events are on the calendar at:

December 2--Bowling at Strikes and Spares, 1:00-3:00, $5/pp
December 8--HUB Christmas Party and Cookie Exchange 7-10 pm at the Niles Police Complex
December 13--HUB Board of Directors Meeting, 7 pm at the Niles Police Complex
December 16--Homeschool Skate at USA Skate 1:00-3:00, $3/pp including skate rental.


G1) Fascinating Science
G2) Homeschool movie
G3) Polar Bear Educational Resources

G1) Fascinating Science

Who knows what murmuration means? Take a look at this:

G2) Homeschool movie

There is a independent film being made that is about homeschooling.  Classed Dismissed is the world's first feature-length documentary aimed at educating the public about homeschooling.

You can learn more about the film here:

G3) Polar Bear Educational Resources

Every Fall, we conduct LIVE, free broadcasts from the tundra during the annual polar bear migration in Churchill. You're invited to join our exclusive webcasts to meet and talk with world-renowned scientists and educators—as arctic winds shake the buggies and polar bears prowl outside.


1) HUB Christmas Party!
2) New Robotics Club Opportunity
3) Help a Homeschool Family
4) New Creations Art Classes For Winter
5) Spelling Bee
6) Volunteer Opportunities

1)  HUB Christmas Party!

The Annual HUB Christmas Party will be December 8 from 7-10 pm at the Niles Police Complex.  There will be a cookie/treat exchange also.  Bring a snack to share, any games you want to play, and any friends and family who want to come.  Drinks will be provided.  If you want some yummy holiday goodies to take home, bring some cookies, candy, or treats packaged in groups of six.  You'll take home as many as you brought and have a variety of treats to eat or share for the holidays.  Come join us for some family-friendly holiday fun!

2) New Robotics Club Opportunity

New Robot adventure available for students 5-8 grade! Thanks to a couple of project grants we have two new clubs forming to compete using the next level of robots. This is a club, not a partnership class and there is no class fee.  We will need to do fundraising to pay for our costs and our travel. Come and find out more, see an example of the robot, ask questions and join!  Meeting open to parents and students. Nov. 22 8 pm. LMC Bertrand Crossing

Please let Meg know if you're able to attend, so we know how many to expect, or if you have any questions contact

3) Help a Homeschool Family

PASTA DINNER / FUND RAISER for ELENA KOONTZ Homeschool mom of seven

Elena is the wife of Chuck Koontz and the mother of seven beautiful children who's ages are 20, 19, 13, 7, 6, 3, & 1. 

On March 9, 2011 she was diagnosed with stage 4 Breast Cancer - metastasis in the bones.  Ever since then, she has continued to be a wonderful example of strength and selflessness, serving those around her with grace.  Those of you that know her have seen this.  You may have even benefited from her desire to serve.

On Thursday, November 10th she was told that the cancer spread to her liver.  Recently, she has been suffering with an increased lack of strength and energy.  The children are now experiencing the effects of her illness. With the Doctors' bleak prognosis, she currently faces several difficult options. 

Together, we (her family and friends) are putting on a pasta dinner/fund raiser to help the Koontz family with the many expenses for her treatment and care. 

Please come and join us.  Meet and greet this beautiful family who needs your prayers and support so desperately.

Where:  Metro Baptist Church, 47100 I-94 N. Service Drive, Belleville, MI    48112
When:  Saturday, November 26, 2011 - Remember, the Saturday after Thanksgiving! - from 4-8 PM
What:   * A Silent Auction will be held
            * The Koontz Children will entertain with singing
Charge:    - Adults - $6.00 - Children 12 and under - $4.00 - Per Family - not more than $20.00 - Additional donations gratefully accepted.

Please call Linda Bungard (Elena's sister) for more information @ (586)354-3176.  If you desire to help the family in any way or help with the pasta dinner please call.

If you are unable to come and would like to donate funds, make checks payable to Elena Koontz and send it to Metro Baptist Church (address above).

Thank you and may God bless you,
Linda Bungard

4) New Creations Art Classes For Winter

It is not too soon to be thinking of the snowy days of January and planning for some challenging classes to look forward to. I am especially excited to offer this information packed overview of art history. We will be doing some amazing projects to help supplement our learning including metal tooling the Ghiberti Doors, romance on the high seas crayon resist, Monet's garden in watercolor, and DaVinci journaling. Last session, several of the classes filled, so don't put off signing up.

Thank you for allowing to do what God gifted me to do: teach art!

Have a blessed holiday season.

Gloria Seitz
Art Instructor


Gloria Seitz, a certified K-12 art teacher, will be teaching classes on the topic of Western Art History. This exciting class will be a seven week hands on discovery of the Renaissance through the 20th century of art and artists. A detailed time line including major movements in art will be covered. A trip to the Snite Museum of Art or the Art Institute of Chicago will conclude our study.  The middle and advanced classes will be selecting an artist of their choice to study.

CLASSES WILL BEGIN ON Thursday, January 5th at Hobby Lobby, Tuesday, January 10th  at Community EFC in Niles, and Wednesday, January 11th at Trinity EFRC in South Bend. The last week in February will be reserved as a makeup week in case of snow days and the Art Festival will be held on Friday, March 2nd  at 7 p.m.

Tuesdays, classes at Community Free Church in Niles are as follows:  Ages 6-10 will meet at 10:30-11:30 a.m. Ages 9-13 meet from 11:45 -12:45 p.m. and 7th -adult meet from 1-2 p.m.

Wednesday classes meet at Trinity Free Church in South Bend. Ages 6-10 will meet at 10:30-11:30 a.m. Ages 9-13 meet from 11:45 -12:45 p.m. and 7th -adult meet from 1-2 p.m.

Thursday classes meet at Hobby Lobby in Mishawaka at the following times:  Ages 6-10 will meet at 11:30-12:30 AND at 12:45-1:45 p.m.. Ages 9-13 will meet at 2-3.  7th through adult will meet from 3:15 -4:15. 8 through 13 year olds will meet from 4:20 -5:30 p.m. (Extra time at end of day to allow for cleanup!)

The cost for the seven week classes is $70 for the first child and $5 LESS  for each additional child.  You will save $5 on the total cost if you pay by January 2.  Cost includes supplies (except those mentioned below), room rental, and Art Festival.  Please reserve your spot by calling Gloria at 574-271-8069. You may register your information on line and print out a registration form at  Classes do fill up, so be sure to get your registration in early. Materials needed for the classes include 9x12" sketchbook, several sharpened pencils, a fine line Sharpie brand pen and folder for handouts. The 7th through adult class will also need a blank art journal (at least 8x10 without lines), a 12" ruler, 2H, HB, 2B and 4B drawing pencils, and a canvas. Canvas does not need to be purchased for the first class.

If you want to view more photos of the classes, check out New Creations Art Classes on Face book.

5) Spelling Bee

The 2012 Scripps Spelling Bee is up and at full force!  What an exciting time!  The Homeschool Hub is sponsoring this event and looking for spellers!  Enrollment is just  $15 and open to all homeschoolers to grade 8 or under 15 years of age.  Word lists are available now.  Email with interest, call with questions or mail your check today.  Don't miss out on this fantastic opportunity.  The top speller gets an all-expense paid trip to Washingtom, D.C.
Our local bee will be held near the end of January and the regional will be held early February so there is still plenty of time to study.
Word lists are available to ANYONE.  Request an emailed word list today.
Mail check to:
Homeschool Hub
P.O. Box 286
Niles, MI 49031
Contact:  Diane Day 269-445-1900, 269-370-4589

6) Volunteer Opportunities

A) Family Volunteer Day is coming on Saturday, Nov. 19, from 10 am to noon.  It is being held at the First Church of God in St. Joseph , located at the corner of Niles Ave. and Botham on Saturday, Nov. 19, 2011, from 10 a.m. until noon.  If your schedule allows, come for the whole time and do all of the activities or come when you can and leave when you must.  If you would like to volunteer at the event respond to this email.  Adults, children and families welcome.

Opportunity to donate: one of the activities will be to pack a bag with personal items to be given to people as they enter one of the local shelters.  Do you have unopened shampoo or other small items left over from a hotel that you would like it to go for a good use?  Drop it off at one of the Volunteer Center offices (or make other arrangements) by Monday, the 14th and we will include the items in the bags.
From the Volunteer Family web site: Benefits of Family Volunteering

Family volunteering strengthens families and strengthens our community. When you decide to become a family volunteer, you are not only contributing to an important cause, but you are also helping your family and children in ways you never thought possible. Here is a sample of benefits your family and your community can achieve through family volunteering.

  *  Children are able to develop compassion and an understanding for others. Not only will involving children in the decision-making process and volunteer activity help them feel appreciated and respected, but the volunteer activity will also enable them to acquire new skills.
  *  Parents can help others while spending more time with their kids, passing on important values, and sharing meaningful conversations in a positive environment.
  *  Nonprofits are often understaffed and overstressed and need additional help. Family volunteering helps them broaden their outreach to the community while improving community image and relations. Depending on their interests, family volunteers may want to help many types of non-profits, including the homeless, the sick and disabled, the elderly, children, animals, and the environment.
  *  Society benefits from family volunteering, as it is a natural multiplier of volunteers. Studies show that children who volunteer are much more likely to continue as adults and carry on the tradition with their own children.

B) Volunteer and/or Attend A Civil War Christmas

WHAT:   A Civil War Christmas  The Morton House Museum in Benton Harbor is hosting a collection of Civil War artifacts and will be decorated appropriately for the time period.  Located at 501 Territorial Road , near to Paw Paw Ave. 

WHEN:    Saturday, November 19, 11a.m.- 4p.m. Sunday, November 20, 12 p.m.- 4p.m.
               Saturday November 26, noon- 4 p.m.  Is a kid focused day with time period appropriate games and activities.


 -  decorate for the open house on Tuesday - Thursday, November 15, 16 and 17, starting each day at 9:30 a.m.  No experience is necessary.   Volunteers will be working with fresh greens, creating arrangements, swags, making the Morton House beautiful.  Also doing some exhibit set up.

-  help interpret artifacts to visitors at Holiday Open House. Information is available on the artifacts, but any individual research on specific items will only add to the presentations.  This is a perfect option for a Civil War History buff.

If you are not available to volunteer, you are invited to attend.  Bring some kids on Saturday the 26th, they will have fun and not realize they will be learning about history also.  If you need more information contact:

B) Help 6 Degrees move

The 6 Degrees Resale Stop on Main Street in Benton Harbor does more than provide unique items for you to buy or a place for you to drop off your stuff.  The proceeds from the store go to support programs with Emergency Shelter Services, preventing homelessness, providing shelter and other support services.  The clients receiving services can receive the emergency items they need but then as they stay at the shelter they can volunteer at the store and earn "store bucks" so they can purchase what they need for their homes.  It is a hand out and hand up.  They also have a job training program, where individuals are gaining the skills they need to find a job and stay employed.

THEY ARE MOVING to a new building in the nearby area.
Volunteers will be packing up at the old store, located at 510 W. Main Street
Do you have some time and energy to help? Just show up and ask a staff member how you can help.  

Saturday, Nov. 19 from 10:00 am - 4:00 pm
Friday, Dec. 2,  10:00 am - 4:00 pm
Saturday, Dec. 3,  10:00 am - 4:00 pm

Setting up at the new place:
Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday, Dec. 7, 8, 9, 10 each day from 10:00 am - 4:00 pm

Debra Panozzo
Adult and family volunteer coordinator
Volunteer Center of Southwest Michigan
269-983-0912 ext 13 St. Joseph
269-683-5464  Niles


Share your favorite link with other homeschoolers!


Looking for a group?  Join the HUB!  We need you.

There are several benefits of membership including a travel club and a resource library that includes things like books, games, laptops, video cameras and other items to borrow. Members receive first chance at events and classes when availability is limited.  The cost of membership is only $24/year.  Information about becoming a member is on the website at

Have something for sale, free or trade?  Advertise here!

Homeschool groups are welcome to advertise their group, too.  It's free!

LETTING IT RIDE: come to before you shop at Amazon.  You can either shop the Associate Store listed in the Menu bar or click on the "Help the Homeschool HUB - Purchase at Amazon" link just below the Menu bar. By using this link to Amazon The Homeschool HUB will earn money through Amazon's Associates program on everything you purchase. So whenever you think "Amazon" please remember your purchase can help The Homeschool HUB.

The Homeschool HUB is collecting used textbooks.  Contact Diane Day: or 269-445-1900.

The Homeschool HUB is continuing to collect Campbell Soup labels, Campbell's Chunky Soup labels, Campbell's Healthy Request labels, Campbell's Select harvest, Franco-American, Pepperidge Farm, Spaghettios, Swanson, V-8 Beverages, V-8 Fusion, Prego Italian Sauces and Campbell's Food Service.   Give your labels to any board member or bring them to our homeschool functions.


We are still accepting Boxtops for education labels.  You can find these on many products.

Go to Boxtops for for more info, and then SAVE SAVE SAVE  those labels.  Each one nets 10 cents and every 10 cents adds up. You can give them to any HUB board director or bring them to any functions that we have.  Thank-you!


While the Homeschool HUB believes that these events or opportunities may be of value to home educators, announcements do not constitute an endorsement by the Homeschool HUB, or its Board of Directors. It is the responsibility of individual parents to determine the appropriateness of any event or opportunity for their children.

Participation in any event is voluntary and the participant assumes complete responsibility and liability for themselves, their family, anyone accompanying them, and their personal property.

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